• We will use this email address to communicate with you about your application.
  • If you are selected for this grant, you may have to prove your income to verify this.
  • You must be registered for a program in order to apply for a scholarship.
  • Learn more about the other fundraising options available to you here.

In the spirit of service-learning, we would like to see that all students receiving International Service Learning (ISL) Needs Based Grants “pay-it-forward” on return to their school after their in-country experience, by undertaking one or both of the following tasks:

Class Presentation:

Share your service-learning experience in a class on your campus, or in a high school in your local or home community, to promote the values of international service learning!

ISL will provide a basic powerpoint presentation on the country of your service should you want to customize with your own pictures and videos.

Please send a picture of yourself conducting the class presentation and submit a paragraph or two providing information on that class as well as your feelings associated with lessons learned on your service trip and how you were able to share those feelings with the class.

Community Service:

Perform service in your local or home community in an area of your interest.

Ideally, try to establish your service commitment in an area of healthcare. If no options are available in healthcare, feel free to donate your time to other agencies in need of volunteers.

Share that experience by sending a photo of yourself engaged in service as well as include a paragraph or two noting how your international service experience has helped you to become more aware of local opportunities for service.

Please submit photos and reflections of either class presentation or community service to ISL (info@islonline.org) within four weeks of program’s conclusion.

Pictures and commentary will be posted on the ISL “Funding Your Trips & Scholarships” website page in order to entice more students to apply for scholarships and to promote the act of “paying-it-forward”!